Newcastle Urology
Prostate Cancer - Newcastle Urology
Your doctor inserts a gloved finger into the rectum to feel the condition of the prostate that lies close to the rectal wall. If your doctor feels something suspicious such as a lump or bump, further tests will be carried out.
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Prostate Cancer :: Kidney Cancer :: Bladder Cancer :: Testicular cancer

Testicular cancer

The testes (testis singular: both commonly known as the testicles) are a pair of oval-shaped glands that are suspended in a pouch of skin called the scrotum; next to the penis on the outside of the body. Testicular cancer is a condition where the cells within the testis grow and divide abnormally and a tumour grows in the testis.

A cancer will usually appear as a painless lump in a testis. If medical attention is sought as soon as a lump, swelling or pain in a testis is noticed, this cancer can remain localised (contained within the testis). However if left unattended, it typically spreads via the blood or lymphatic system to other major organs such as the lungs.

What is the outlook if diagnosed with testicular cancer?

All testicular cancers can be treated and if discovered early, and the right treatment given, over 95% of them can be cured. Early detection of testicular cancer can lessen the toxic side-effects of the treatments used.

The outlook is positive for those men diagnosed with testicular cancer. Most men go on to live full and active lives.

Treatment may be different depending on the type of testicular cancer and if it has spread to other parts of the body. Treatment for testicular cancer does not normally affect sexuality, masculinity or erectile function. While men who go through chemotherapy or radiotherapy as part of their treatment can become infertile, sperm storage before starting this treatment can usually give them the option of fathering children should their fertility be affected.

Testicular cancer


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